Unexpected Costs of Birthing a Book

   Art Credit:  Brown Eyed Girls by Katty Smith My book, Reimagining Our Tomorrows: Making Sure Your Future Doesn’t SUCK, was released yesterday. Which also meant that yesterday marked the beginning of the REALLY BIG BOOK PROMOTION TOUR. To kick things off, I was invited to speak at an event on sustainable tourism at a […]

Contemplating Melting Icebergs in Sunny Florida

DATE: Nov. 30, 2016, on the road to Ft. Lauderdale FORECAST: Unseasonably warm MISSION: Attend the Companies vs. Climate Change Conference When I had first registered for the conference, way back in August, I had imagined a significantly different future than the one I was living in as I made the three-hour drive to Ft. […]

Will you be a Hero of the Story?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,…” The opening of Charles Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities is so often quoted, particularly to describe inflamed political discourse, that is has become almost cliche. But take a look at the rest of the passage and you discover that it perfectly expresses the […]

Do You Have What It Takes to be a Professional Triber?

A few weeks ago I was asked to contribute some thoughts to an article for Fast Company about new jobs that might exist in 2025. One of the occupations I suggested was the Professional Triber: “a freelance professional manager that specializes in putting teams together for very specific projects.” Since the article appeared I’ve received […]

Finding the Right Balance for Your Story

A good story has the power to entertain, inform and empower. All three elements are necessary if you want to change people’s attitudes or create action. The challenge we always face is how to find the right balance of each for your purpose and audience. The power of story to entertain is particularly important when […]

Re-Imagining the Liberal Arts College

The process of shedding outdated narratives and creating new ones requires both measured consideration and imagination. I recently attended a speech given by social entrepreneur Patrick Davis. He was speaking at his alma mater, Stetson University, a small liberal arts school where my daughter is currently a student. At one point during his speech, he […]

Experiencing the Future

One of the biggest barriers to creating better tomorrows is our inability to experience the future, today. Even the best strategic foresight project will ultimately encounter this problem. In its simplest form, even the most robust intellectual analysis of preferred futures lacks one of the key components for inspiring action. Without a visceral sense of what a […]