Let’s face it; there are plenty of speakers out there ready to tell your audience what THE FUTURE has in store. But how many of them can show your audience how they can create their own best future?
For more than two decades Joe Tankersley has been helping organizations around the world imagine and realize their visions for the future. As a speaker, Joe uses his unique storytelling skills and deep foresight knowledge to bring the future to life. His presentations are guaranteed to broaden your audience’s horizons, and change their perspective on what is possible.
If you’re looking for someone who can entertain, inspire, and empower your audience, then Joe Tankersley should be your next keynote speaker.
Your talk was provocative in offering a new dimension of best practice for attendees here to consider. With most people participating in events like ours to learn something new, and to take away something they can consider applying “back at the ranch”, you hit that one out of the park.
Meredith Baratz, VP United HealthCare
Reimagining Our Tomorrows:
Creating a Future that is Sustainable, Abundant and Equitable
Everywhere you look, from mainstream media to your social media feed, the headlines scream warnings about the future that awaits us:
Technology has already stolen your privacy
Digital addiction is destroying your ability to think
Automation is going to take your job
Climate change is threatening your very existence
It’s easy to see why you might want to just curl up on your sofa and binge-watch shows from your childhood when life was simpler.
Even if you don’t believe the future is completely bleak, you very likely suffer from a constant feeling that it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with what’s coming next. It’s true; we live in a world where change is happening so fast,it threatens to outpace our imagination.
I want to help you reimagine our tomorrows; to show you that we are living in a time when the possibility of creating a better future has never been greater.
In this keynote, we’ll take a deep dive into the massive disruptions that are affecting businesses, communities, and governments to understand the forces that are driving these changes. We’ll get beyond the shiny new technologies and frightening forecasts to help you see this age of accelerating change in a different light. Armed with these insights you can imagine how this tsunami of change can lead to a future that is sustainable, abundant and equitable.
This keynote is not just another recitation of trend data and statistics. Sure, it is packed with timely information, but its main purpose is to inspire and empower. I will show you how to use the power of critical imagination and foresight to shape a better future for yourself, your organization and community.
The future does not exist. It is not some destination waiting for us to show up. We have more opportunities today than ever before to shape our futures. The question is how will you use those tools? What future do you want to create?
This is the perfect presentation for mission-driven business leaders, community changemakers, nonprofits and government agencies. It is equally useful for those groups who have already embarked on their transformative journey toward the future and those who find themselves uncertain how to navigate the swirling currents of disruption.
Welcome to the MEdia Age
Over 300 hours of new video gets uploaded to YouTube every minute.
350 million photos are shared on Facebook each day
More than 40 billion photos have been posted on Instagram in less than five years.
This is the new MEdia Age, and it is changing the way we communicate with consumers, employees, even our friends, and family.
Every business that hopes to remain relevant in the MEdia Age must be able to answer these questions:
- How do we reach these new producer-consumers?
- What skills do a generation of digital natives bring to the workforce?
- Are media makers creating a new digital renaissance?
Welcome to the MEdia Age provides you with the insights to discover opportunities in this challenging new time where the line between makers and consumers is increasingly blurred.
Trend Busters
Everywhere you turn someone is promoting the next “latest greatest thing.”
You’re confronted with “incredible innovations” on every web page and in every tweet.
We do live in an era of accelerated change, but sometimes you just have to wonder how many of these “world-changing” ideas are real and how many are hype.
How valuable would it be to your business to be able to see beyond the hype and anticipate the most important changes before they happen?
In this fast paced and free-wheeling ride through the world of trend research, Joe will show you how to distinguish between the substance and the fluff.
This presentation goes beyond trend reports to explore the forces driving change. Audiences will gain new insights about the trends that really matter to their future. Trend Busters also reveals the tools and skills you need to make sense of the continuing cacophony of trend reports and fad marketing.
Become a Trend Buster and learn how to stay ahead in today’s fast changing world.
… awesome presentation at the ABA LPD Conference. It is always wonderful to attend a conference and bring home takeaways to benefit and stimulate my firm – and with your keynote, I am armed with just that.
Traci Ray, Exec Dir, Barran Liebmann, LLP