
Imagineer Your Future

A blending of the words imagine and engineer. To imagineer is to combine an expansive imagination with in-depth knowledge of the latest trends and technologies to create something new and often revolutionary. The word was first coined in the 1940s by the Alcoa company and became a popular term during the mid-20th century’s technological transformation.


Imagineer Your Future Workshops deliver the tools and insights to help you create a transformative future for your business, organization, and community. We focus on a deeper understanding of trends in technology and culture to help participants distinguish between fads and potential drivers of real change. The workshop also includes exercises in creativity designed to help the group expand their vision beyond self-imposed limits.
Workshop participants learn how to use:

            Values-based foresight,

            Critical imagination, and

            Strategic narratives

to identify opportunities, anticipate challenges, and create positive solutions.
The fundamental skills taught during the workshop apply to a wide range of enterprises and organizations. Each workshop is further refined to meet the specific needs of the participants.


Joe’s “Imagineering the Future” workshop was exactly what we needed as our field grapples with the fast pace of change. He helped us view change through a new lens and look for opportunity.

         Jeannette Frank, Executive Director, The Arc of Schuyler


Imagineer Your Future Workshops are designed for:

 Mission Driven Entrepreneurs

You already have a vision for a better tomorrow. What you need is an accelerated learning curve to expose you to the emerging trends in technology, culture, economics, and politics that can help you jumpstart execution. The workshop will show you how to create a strategic narrative that can focus your team and garner support from clients and community.


Traditional non-profits face an increasingly complex future. How do you leverage technology to transform your supporters into active co-creators? Should you redefine yourself in an age when the lines between not-for-profit and for-profits organizations are increasingly blurred? Do you have a vision for long-term success?
An Imagineer Your Future Workshop will show you how to create a transformative strategic narrative that will help you build an organization that is resilient, adaptive, and future leaning.

Community Groups

Radical cultural shifts and accelerating technological changes are simultaneously creating new opportunities for communities to shape their own future while raising new barriers to local collaboration. Values based foresight is one of the most powerful tools for overcoming these barriers. An Imagineer Your Future Workshop is the perfect vehicle for engaging a community’s collective imagination to create transformative change that can help any community become a 21st-century future leader.

Traditional Enterprises

The traditional world of business is being disrupted faster than ever before. You are facing unexpected new forms of competition, demands to collaborate with former competitors and calls from your customers to provide value beyond just your product or service. You need the skills to discover new opportunities in times of accelerating change. An Imagineer Your Future Workshop will help make sure your business has a place in the tomorrow’s economy and give you practical strategies to begin implementing today.